ohhhhhhh boy am I feelin' it.
There's too much to do and too little time and the days feel short and never-ending at the same time.
Today was supposed to be dedicated to cleaning and instead my house is more of a mess than it was this morning. Instead of cleaning it took all I could do to just keep it together today. By the time Brian walked in the door this evening I could feel the anxiety bubbling up in my throat and I knew I just had to get out.
A stroll around Home Depot and Publix did me a world of good. I just needed to be out. Out of the clutter and chaos and noise. Alone in my thoughts. Not responsible for anyone or anything but myself. I count my blessings every day for a husband who can just pick up where I left off so that I can flee when I feel it rising.
The next few days are going to be tough for me. There are too many thoughts spinning around in my head and no matter how many lists I make or how I try to organize it all on a calendar, it just doesn't stop. Things will be forgotten or just plain skipped and there isn't much I can to about it other than to remind myself to just give it to Jesus. I'm
so not good at that.