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Friday, November 30, 2012

Writing and wine.

Well, here we are.  The last day of November.  And I managed to blog

OK, so that's not completely true.  I missed the first day of November because I didn't decide to do the NaBloPoMo challenge til the 2nd.  And I didn't write on that day that I had the plague because I was too busy trying not to die.

Some days it seemed like a burden, but most days I really enjoyed being "forced" to sit down and write.  It clears my mind, even if it's just fluffy writing.

I'm sure it'll be harder to find time to write during December.  The hustle and bustle of the holidays is inevitable, but I know that I need to make time to write.  It's freeing.  And during busy times, I'll need to be free.  And writing is probably better for me than wine.  But let's be honest - I'll probably do both.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

No one picks on my brother ... but me.

Before the plague hit, we walked to the park to enjoy the beautiful weather and let the boys burn some energy.  The usually go in 3 different directions when we're there.  Mr. Beckett likes the swings.  Kiernan likes to climb everything.  Brennan just likes to go.  Every once in awhile they'll meet each other in passing and "play" for a minute or 2 and then move on.  Brennan is usually too busy playing with other kids to be bothered by his little brothers.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

October 2012.

Hey, remember that month called October?  And remember when almost another month went by before I got around to posting a recap of this October?  I mean, I wasn't busy trying to fend off the plague or anything, so why wouldn't I be writing more?

Like I already posted, Brennan and I spent the beginning of the month in Michigan.  We were only without him in the house for about 2 days, but those were WEIRD.  I missed him, but I also realized how easy life is with 2 kids.  Now, I've always said that the twins aren't the difficult part of our situation - that it's having the toddler/preschooler on top of the twins that's challenging.  But never in a million years did I think that removing a (almost) 3 year old from the equation would make it that much easier.  I mean, I accomplished so much!  It was definitely weird to be without him though.  I didn't like walking past his empty room for those 2 nights.  It just felt wrong.  We had a blast, but it was great to see Brian and the boys when we got home.  And Brian enthusiastically agreed with my opinion that 2 boys are easier than 3 and that it was an insanely easy weekend compared to normal life.


We attempted to settle back into our routine, except that Brennan brought back a cold from Michigan and of course ever-so-generously shared it with his brothers.  The only thing more chaotic than life with 1 year old twins and a 3 year old is when someone is sick.  Then multiply that by 100 when 2 are sick.  And by 1000 when 3 are sick.  I had the craziest day I've had in awhile with the boys on the 10th.  Suffice it to say that I'm glad that we don't have days like that very often because I'd end up in the looney bin fersure.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

a plague on our house.

Can someone please tell me why the HELL we cannot seem to stay healthy in this house?

It's driving me bat.shit.crazy.  I feel like in the past 6 months, we've had a total of maybe 3 weeks when we've all been healthy.  Not fun.

Sunday morning I went in to get the brothers from their beds and was hit by a wall of vomit-smell when I opened the door.  Kiernan and his bed were covered in puke.  Lovely.  He acted perfectly fine though, so we just assumed he ate too much or hiccuped or who knows what and we moved on with life.

Monday morning the boys and I met some friends at the zoo.  I started feeling a little queasy but chalked it up to my lack of breakfast that morning, threw back a handful of trail mix, and went about my business.  Then we got home and as I fixed the boys their lunch I got more and more nauseous.  The little boys went down for their nap and I curled up on the couch with Brennan while he watched some cartoons.

That's when it hit me.  That lovely warm-watery-mouth-I'm-gonna-blow-chunks feeling.  I ran to the bathroom and hurled my lunch while Brennan stood above me saying "Mommy, you puked!" and "Excuse you Mommy!"  Vomiting with an audience is over-rated.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Brennan's big adventure.

I left off in September with Brennan flying to Michigan with my parents.  Bottom line?  Kid got spoiled.  Hard core.  He did well without me and I didn't cry too much when I dropped them off at the airport.

Even though life was easier with only 2 kids, I missed that boy like crazy.  Luckily, I headed to Michigan on the 3rd to be reunited with my little bug and left Daddy here in FL to experience the beauty that is only having to care for 1 year old twin boys.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

This is how I know I married the best man.

Most guys wouldn't want distractions during THE GAME. 

A lot of guys would tell their kids to be quiet and sit down till the game was over.

Some guys might even leave the house to avoid all of the distractions a family brings to trying to watch a football game.

But not my man.  He watched his beloved Wolverines battle their enemies with 3 squirmy little boys on his lap, climbing all over him, battling for his attention.  He paused the game to help with snack and potty and diaper breaks.  He pushed race cars around a track and kissed boo boos with one eye on the TV screen.

Proof that I picked a kick ass man to procreate with.  Proof that he's an amazing Daddy.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Buzz Lightyear + Splashpad + Dinos + Legos = lots of happy boys.

Today started like any other day.  No plans necessarily, just some things to accomplish around the house.  But Brian and I were both kinda feeling the itch to get out of the house and enjoy the nice weather.  We threw around a few ideas - the park, the zoo, the library.  Eh.  Nothing sounded particularly fun and exciting.  

Some friends of ours were visiting Orlando last week and mentioned that they enjoyed Downtown Disney for a nice little stroll, so I threw it out there as a fairly cheap possibility.  It's free to wander around, so we decided to brave the crazy shopper traffic and head over to Orlando.

On the way there they boys napped while Brian and I chatted.  As we got closer we noticed something in the sky ahead.  It turned out to be an (amateur?) skywriter writing "Thank U Jesus" and "Jesus Loves U" in the sky.  It was fun to guess what the next letter would be.  Kinda like Wheel of Fortune.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving thanks.

Today and every day, I have so much to be thankful for.  My family and I are healthy and happy and I have an amazing support system of family and friends. But hands down, these 4 boys are God's greatest gifts to me.  They're my world.  And I thank Him every day for blessing me with them.  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The most wonderful time of the year.

I almost forgot how much I love this time of year here in FL.  Last year I was too busy with 2 little babies to spend much time outside with Brennan.  I would usually sit on the screened porch and watch him run around the backyard while I rocked a baby. 

But this year?  We're spending so.much.time outside.  I love it.  If I have things i need to accomplish inside the house, I let the boys play in their sand table on the back porch while I fold laundry or do dishes.  That's the beautiful thing about a screened porch that's right off the kitchen and sitting area.  They're closer to me and I have a better view of them there than I do when they're in the family room/play room or their bedrooms.

Once I've accomplished what I need to do, we all venture out into the backyard.  It's so much fun to watch them run around and dig in the dirt together.  We play in the sand or kick the ball around and just enjoy the fresh air.  My favorite part of the day is in the evening when the temperature starts to dip enough to need sweatshirts.  It reminds me of Michigan and makes it feel a little more like Fall.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Christmas cards.

I've been playing around with Christmas card designs for the past few days and I'm having  Of course, loving our family photos helps a ton, but I really love to design cards.  I'm not all that great at it, but I have a ton of fun with it and that's all that matters! 

So here are my top 2 faves so far.  I don't think I'm totally done playing yet though...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Family photos {November 2012}.

Who's ready to be overloaded with photos???

I've been talking about our recent family session for WEEKS.  First I showed you some sneak peaks of our outfits, a craft project, and a picture of my photografriend taking a picture of Brennan.  Big.Fat.Tease.  Then gave the link to Lisa's blog for her sneak peak.  But she was right when she said she could've picked all of them to blog.  They're that good.  And I'm not partial at all.  Clearly.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fireside chats.

I'm feeling jumbled.  Just plain off .

I honestly think it's just the rat race of life lately.  I run and run and run all day long and can never seem to catch up with life and just feel this uncontrollable urge to DO ALL THE THINGS and at the same time I just want to sleep for hours and hours and hours.

A trip to the therapist is certainly in order.  But I must say that this weekend, while completely bat.shit.crazy, was a breath of fresh air.

My high school bestie, Lorryn, and her hubby and sweet daughter were in Orlando for vacation and stayed with us last night before they left to head back to the cold, cold North.  While the kids were awake, it was of course chaos.  That's just a given with 4 kids under 4 ... 3 of them being 15 months and younger.

But after the kids went to bed, the guys built a fire in the pit in the backyard and we sat around the fire with a bottle of wine (or 3) and just relaxed.  Between inappropriate humor, talking about life with kids, and dreaming about the future, it was so nice to be with old friends.  Soothing for the soul and just what the doctor ordered for my frazzled nerves.

Friday, November 16, 2012

MonkeyFace Racing {Brennan's Race Car Birthday Party}.

So we had another birthday party at our house a few weeks ago ... or a month ago.  Whatever.  I'm a little behind.  Oh, and as always, forgive the terrible photography.  My house is full of light and I have a crappy camera and I have no idea how to make the 2 be friendly.  

Brennan turned 3 years old and decided on a "racing car" theme for his party, so I ran with it!  

As usual, I designed the invitation myself.  I created a "MonkeyFace Racing" logo (Brennan's nickname is MonkeyFace ... I have no idea why) and made my own little spin on a pit pass.  Lots of fun and Brennan thought it was the coolest.  

We hung up some "Welcome Race Fans" and "Gase Raceway" signs outside.  Brian stopped at the auto parts store and grabbed a few empty boxes that they were willing to part with, and we sat them outside next to Brennan's PowerWheels car, along with an empty gas can, some hose, and a few other car-ish things.  Cute little way to set the mood for the party.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

In this moment.

Today was one of those days that just seemed like it would never end.  

I have 2394723 things on my to-do list and just can't seem to cross off even ONE.  As soon as I clean up one mess, another appears.  I try to sit down to work on school work and someone starts screaming.  I try to do some laundry and someone is wrapped around my leg begging for something.  Everyone is sick and some are teething and others are just ... needy.  I just feel like there isn't enough of me to go around.  

And after several days of doing everything for everyone except for myself, I just can't do it anymore.  I call Brian at 4:30 and tell him it's time to come home before I lose it.  I know my breaking point now, and I'm almost there.  I just need 5 minutes to myself.  That's all.  5 minutes.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"Mommy, I just really do love you."

"Mommy, I just really do love you."

"Aww, thanks Brennan.  I love you too."

"I know Mommy, but I just really do love you a lot.  You're the best.  You're just my best friend."

"I think you're the best Brennan in the whole wide world, little bug."

"Mommy, that's a really nice thing to say."

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Well, today was a first.  All 5 members of our family are currently on antibiotics for the same sinus infection-ish thing that is causing bronchitis and ear infections.  At least we're all in it together?

Yesterday I heard Brennan wheezing and decided that I'd had enough of all of this sickness flying around our house and called the pediatrician to make 3 appointments for today.  The Mommy & Daddy doctor?  Not available until Thursday.  Dude.  So not cool.

We arrived late to our appointment because Kiernan projectile-puked all over himself and all over me after having a coughing fit right before we walked out the door.  Thankfully Brian was able to meet me there.  Wrangling 3 sick kids in the doctor's office while trying to speak to the pediatrician and not sound like a complete crazy person is not my idea of a good time.  After checking lungs, ears, noses, and any other essential body parts, the pediatrician wrote 3 antibiotic prescriptions and deemed nebulizer treatments necessary for Brennan.  He got one before we left the doctor's office and the poor kid took it like a champ.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Well, I did it.  I didn't get picked up by the slow people bus.

I ran/walked for 13.1 straight miles through the parks of Disney with 11,599 other mental patients like myself and finished before 1783 poor souls.  We started at the ESPN Wide World of Sports, curved through Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios, and ended at Epcot.  All in the dark of night.  The Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon is truly unlike any other race I've ever experienced.  And I haven't run many other races, but I sure as hell have watched a lot.  I'm here to tell you, though, that running one is very different than watching one.

Post-race at Epcot

I've been told by some people that running a marathon (full or half) is like childbirth - it's long, hard, and painful, but incredibly worth it in the end.

Whoever said this must have been a man.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

New family photos!

I've written about my photogra-friend Lisa and her fabulous photography before and gushed over how much a looooove the photos she has taken of our family over the past year.  The newborn pictures she took of the boys were amazingly gorgeous and the photos she took last spring were so bright and cheery and perfect.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Snotty nerves.

Today's the day, friends.

Tonight I'll lace up my running shoes and along with 15,000 of my closest friends, I'll run/walk from Disney's ESPN Wide World of Sports, through Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studies, and over to Epcot where I'll most likely collapse into a heap of snotty, dehydrated fat girl.  That is, if I make it the whole way.

I was feeling good about this race until yesterday.  Thursday I came down with the cold Brennan brought home and now my head is clogged with snot.  I can deal with that, as running usually clears my head (literally and figuratively).  My concern is my lungs.  I'm coughing a bit and as an asthmatic, that spells trouble.

We'll see.  I'm determined to give all I can give, I just don't know how much I can give right now.  All of the thoughts and prayers you are able to share would be appreciated!

Friday, November 9, 2012

If I could make out with inventor of diphenhydramine, I would. (I can't though. He's dead. I checked.)

Kiernan and I flew to Michigan on Wednesday and returned back home to FL today.  He caught a cold from his big brother before we left, but did surprisingly well for our entire visit.  Then of course on Thursday I started to feel sick.  Kiernan is pretty good on an airplane, but I knew from the way I was feeling that being in that pressurized tin can 35,000 feet in the air was not going to feel good.

So in an effort to keep the absolutely misery (both his, mine, and our fellow passengers') to a minimum, I decided to give him some Tylenol and Benadryl before we took off.  Honestly?  Best.Decision.Ever.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mommy's Hero.

So we can add heroes to Brennan's list of obsessions.  Not talking about Superman or Batman.  Nope.  I'm talking real life heroes - policemen and firemen.  

Brennan gets so excited when he hears sirens.  It's super cute.  

He chose to be a policeman for Halloween and I must say he was cute the cute little cop.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wordless Wednesday {11.7.12}.

We had family photos taken on Sunday!

My fabulous friend Lisa of Lisa Marshall Photography worked her magic with my 3 little monsters once again.  It was such a fun shoot and I cannot wait to see the results!  In the mean time, here are a few teasers...

fun little prop that ended up failing.  miserably.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Twin Weight Tuesday {11.6.12}.

This is going to be short and sweet.

Down another pound.  So that's great.

Ran 9 miles on Saturday.  It was my last long run before my race this Sunday and it felt good.  I feel less nervous about the race than I did, but I'm still hella nervous.

This week is gonna be hard to squeeze runs in with all of my travel, but I think I have it figured out.

While the weight is dripping off a bit slowly, I'm definitely losing inches.  I haven't taken measurements recently, but things are fitting better and I'm branching out with my wardrobe choices .... mama even bought some skinny jeans.  Holy hell.

I know, horizontal stripes are a no-no, but it's so comfy!  

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pinned it, tried it, liked it {Green-ish Smoothies}.

I've had a few questions about how I make my green-ish smoothies for the boys, so I thought I'd do a quick post on it.

My whole family loooooves smoothies.  Well, sometimes Brennan declares them to be "too cold", even though he'll suck down a milkshake faster than I can suck down a Big Gulp of Diet Coke.  That's fast people.

They're also a super easy way to sneak some great nutrient-rich foods into your family's diet ... whether it's the little monsters who will eat anything, the middle sized pizza-chickie-fries addict, or the big giant "I had no idea there were THAT MANY calories in ice cream" man in your life.  Just sayin'.

Brennan - 3 years old!

**I've been working on this post for FOREVER so it's a bit late.  But better late than never, right?  

Then - 10.16.09

My Brennan is 3.  My teeny, tiny little baby has now been outside of my uterus for 3 years.  He’s a walking, talking, snuggly, feisty, wild, adorable ball of dirt and energy.  And I could not be more in love with him if I tried.  And as I write this he is in the backyard with his pants around his ankles making pee squiggles in the wind.  Boys.

Now - 9.30.12

At the pediatrician last week, Brennan weighed 34 pounds (50th percentile) and was 38.5 inches tall (75th percentile).  He hasn't been over the 40th percentile for his weight or under the 90th percentile for his height since he was born, so it seems like he’s evening out a bit.  While he definitely feels heavier lately, he’s still a tall, skinny kid.  Most 3T pants are too big in the waist, but way too short.  Luckily we live in FL where we don’t have to wear long pants very often.   And thank God for Carter’s brand adjustable waist pants (and the Grammy who buys them for us!).

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pinned it, tried it, liked it {Pumpkin pancakes}.

Two days in a row of actually DOING something instead of just pinning.  Unbelievable.

So if you follow me on Pinterest (imflyingsouth), and you take a peek into my "straight to the hips..." board, you'll discover that I have a teeny tiny obsession with all things pumpkin flavored.  It's a bit out of control.

So when I decided to whip up some pumpkin pancakes, I knew I had probably pinned a recipe or 5.  I picked this one from Annie's Eats, but of course, because I don't follow directions well, I altered it a bit.  A little more brown sugar, whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose, ground flax seed, and extra pumpkin!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Pinned it, tried it, liked it.

If you're like me (and probably 95% of the population) you could sit on Pinterest for hours on end, collecting all sorts of amazing ideas for my someday wardrobe, someday home, someday ... life.  So much time spent planning for someday.

Well friends, I'm sick of waiting for someday.  Aren't we all?  Ha.

I told myself that I wasn't allowed back onto Pinterest unless I actually TRIED something that I pinned.

So today I decided to try something fall-ish for dessert tomorrow.  When I opened Pinterest, I saw this little lovely staring me in the face.

Favorite Posts Friday {11.2.12}.

Time for a nice quick Fave Posts Friday!  A funny one, a serious one, and one that made me drool.  Happy Friday friends!

Nice Girl NotesThis is how I feel - Part 2 -- I just found this blog today via an Instagram pic posted by Sherry & John of Young House Love.  I read this post (her most recent) and immediately clicked the RSS feed button.  Anytime someone gets me laughing out loud, I'm sold.

Okay, BA! (Formerly Heir to Blair) - Seasons change. -- It's posts like this that make me feel a little less alone some days.  And it was a great reminder to call my therapist cuz it's been way too long since I've paid her a visit.

Young House Love - House Crashing: Classic and Natural with a Twist -- Oh how I wish we lived in the house we own and had the money to redecorate.  I'm itching to transform a space!  And this post got me itching even more.  I love love love love everything about this house.  I want it.

** No one asked me to feature their blog. I'm just passing along my favorites with hopes that you might find something you like too. And if you find a blog you like, I hope that you'll do like I did and follow their blog, whether by RSS, Friend Connect, or email. And do the same for mine if you like!