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Friday, April 1, 2016

Life lately.

Hey there, friends.

How's life?? I have no good excuse for being MIA the last few months. But that's the beauty of blogging just for the fun of it -- I get to make the rules!

I thought I'd drop by with a little update on what we've been up to lately ... which hasn't really been anything exciting. The last 3 months have been pretty low key. But somehow, the unexciting things in life tend to be my favorites. I love relaxing days at home with my boys. Those are the days that I remember most vividly. Special events and holidays fly by far too chaotically, but a random lazy Saturday is when memories are made.

Brian is working like a mad man lately. He leaves early, works late, and travels a bit. Often when he is home, he is on his computer after the boys are in bed. It's hard to shoulder so much of the responsibility at home and to hear the boys say that they miss their Daddy. But we do our best, he does his best to be available when he can, and more than anything we know that this too shall pass.

The boys are like their Mommy and don't love being outside in the cold weather unless there is fun snow to play with. So we spent many of the cold winter months snuggling and playing inside. I'm savoring these days at home with them, as I know how quickly time passes. Before I know it, my babies will be in school all day long.

Legos are HUGE in our house. All five of us love to sit down and build a kit, and the boys (not me!) love to create their own things as well. We spent a few cold days in January building Legos at the dining room table and I loved Pajamas all day, pizza for dinner, and Legos. What could be better?

We started lifting weights as a family this winter (read: Brian makes me do it and the kids love to join in). I don't mind it, because it makes Brian happy. Mr. Beckett LOVES to lift weights. He asks to go downstairs all the time. We will usually stop what we're doing and go downstairs with Beckett for 5 minutes because it makes him so happy. And what's better to have after exercising than homemade cinnamon rolls? Nothing. Nothing is better than that.

Parenting with Brian has forced me to relax. A LOT. The latest Daddy activity is called "Daddy Diving Board", where Brian curls up on Brennan's bed and the boys jump off of his back onto Beckett & Kiernan's bed. Amazingly, we've had very few booboos. Yet.

With all the odd weather we had in March, we were outside riding scooters even with snow on the ground. And then a couple weeks later we were at the park without coats. That's Michigan weather!

While Brian has been traveling over the last 3 weeks, the boys and I have tried to stay busy. A few weekends ago we took an impromptu trip to see my sister and her boyfriend. The 1.5 hour trip was well worth all of the fun we had walking to play at the park, having a cookout, and playing soccer.

I so feel bad for Brian when he's in a work crunch and unable to see the boys much. They are growing in both size and personality so quickly. I think this is part of the reason that I take so many photos of them. I find myself pulling Bri into the office in the wee hours of the night to show him photos of what we've done lately because I hate that he has to miss it.

Our Easter was so much fun. The boys loved every part of it -- egg dyeing, Easter baskets, Easter "feasts", and even church. They're finally the age that they can start to comprehend the fun parts of Easter and the real reason for Easter. 

And there were suspenders and a tie and argyle and wrinkled pants. I mean come on, the cuteness is overwhelming.  

Friday, January 8, 2016

Project 365: Weeks 39-40

These 2 weeks weren't quite as bad!  I actually took even more photos with my camera, but many of those were taken during Christmas parties and I don't like posting photos of other people's kids online without asking them.  So we'll have to settle for cell phone snaps ;)  

December 12 - Chillin'.

December 13 - Big Lou.

December 14 - Smoothies.

December 15 - Daddy-less dinners are so low maintenance.

December 16 - Nothin'.

December 17 - Computer time at school.

December 18 - Lego Batman.

December 19 - Teamwork.

December 20 - Synchronized watches.

December 21 - This movie is kinda sad.

December 22 - Nothin'.

December 23 - Bubbles!

December 24 - Christmas Eve with Great Grandma.

December 25 - Merry Christmas!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Project 365: Weeks 37-38

Another Project 365 update, another 2 weeks with 1 week worth of photos.  And of course, they're mostly cell phone snaps, because apparently I am afraid of my camera.  Ah well.  

November 28 - Nothin'.

November 29 - Nothin'.

November 30 - Nothin'.

December 1 - Beckett likes to spell his name with lots of e's & E's.  

December 2 - Raphael.

December 3 - Building gingerbread houses at school.

December 4 - Another week, another photo of Kiernan showing off his food.

December 5 - Playing with Uncle Cory's helicopter.

December 6 - Sleepyheads.

December 7 - Apparently he felt "sick".  

December 8 - Nothin'.

December 9 - Nothin'.

December 10 - Nothin'.

December 11 - Nothin'.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Project 365 - Weeks 35-36

Alright, round 2 of Project 365 updates is another combo because I took ever fewer photos during these 2 weeks than the last update.   There aren't many photos, but the faces are as cute as ever!

November 14 - Nothin'.

November 15 - Lego creation photoshoot.

November 16 - Nothin'.

November 17 - Panera date with my little loves.

November 18 - Nothin'.

November 19 - Nothin'.

November 20 - Nothin'.

November 21 - SNOW!

November 22 - Nothin'.

November 23 - Nothin'.

November 24 - Awesome report card = FroYo for dinner.

November 25 - Thankful.  For food.  And shoes.

November 26 - So thankful for these 4.

November 27 - Spiderman helps with countertop refinishing.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Project 365: Weeks 33-34

The first of many Project 365 updates, this post includes 2 weeks, since I skipped a lot of days.  And honestly, the majority of photos are cell phone snaps.  They aren't pretty, but they are life!

October 31 - The Ninja Turtles & April.

November 1 - The National Zoo.

November 2 - Jumping.

November 3 - Nothin'.

November 4 - September weather in November.

November 5 - Giant Costco Bears.  

November 6 - Nothin'.

November 7 - Morning snuggles (and Daddy's crazy hair).

November 8 - My life.

November 9 - I have no idea why Kiernan likes to show off his food (or why he likes dry bagels).

November 10 - Ladder climbers.

November 11 - Haulin' in the cans.

November 12 - Nothin'.

November 13 - Kitchen progress and a cute kid.