Sunday, July 29, 2012
Chips with grass.
Brennan loves chips. You might remember that from this post. I swear, chips are one of his four food groups - along with M&Ms, fruit snacks, and of course, milk.
While we were in Michigan, I was fixing Brennan a plate for dinner and I included some sour cream and onion chips. When I put the plate in front of him, he recoiled in horror and proclaimed that he does not eat chips with GRASS!! Chips with grass? OK, I guess I can see that in the mind of a 2.5 year old. No chips with grass it is then kid!
Fast forward to last week. I had just finished putting the twins down for their morning nap and returned to the family room to see Brennan sitting on the floor playing with his trains. Cooper (our big shaggy dog) was sniffing around the cabinets beside our computer.
Me: Get outta there Coop, what're you sniffing?
B: (without looking up from his trains) It's the chips with grass.
Me: ::blank stare:: Um, excuse me? What did you say?
He calmly got up, opened the cupboard door, reached in and handed me a giant bag of sour cream and onion chips that had been in the pantry.
I was befuddled for a minute, wondering if the boys that watched our dogs while we were away left them in there for some reason. But then I of course came to my senses.
Me: Um, Brennan? Did you put those chips in there?
B: Yes.
Me: ::deep breaths:: Can you tell me why?
B: ::locks eyes with me with a look of disgust:: Because, MOM. I DON'T like chips with GRASS.
Oh dear Lord. Where did this teenage PMSing girl attitude come from?! I threw the bag onto the kitchen counter and of course we then had a discussion about how he is not to go into the pantry without permission and how he should not leave food around the house for his brothers or the dogs to eat ... which clearly went in one ear and right out the other.
Case in point - a bit later, I went into my bedroom to attempt to tackle the mountain of clothes that had been sitting on my dresser since we returned from MI. Four minutes later, I heard a familiar crinkling sound followed by manic crunching of something in the dogs' mouths. I emerged from my bedroom to find Brennan standing on a barstool, chip bag upside down in his hand, dogs enjoying a nice lunch of chips with grass.
Me: (trying so.damn.hard not to swear) Brennan!!! What are you doing!?
Physical therapy update!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Ass-like feelings and bat-shit-craziness.
I'm attempting to get back into the swing of things after returning from our almost 3 week long vacation. Key word there is attempting. We're all going through/have been through various stages of a weird sickness that basically just knocks you on your ass, makes you act like something crawled up your ass, and makes your throat and head feel like ass. Basically, it involves a lot of ass.
And then there are the mental patients who call themselves my children. You know how I said in the boys 10 month post that life was starting to get a little easier? Ha! Somebody please teach me to just shut the F up when I start to get optimistic. I mean, I'm cool with thinking those thoughts, but the minute I start to voice them life spins in the opposite direction. It's like back in the old days at work when some jackoff would say that it was "quiet" and 10 minutes later everyone within a 50 mile radius who was carrying a fetus in their body would come bursting through the doors. Seriously. I should know better.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Night time wishes.
I should be sleeping.
But I can't stop staring at one of the three most beautiful faces in the world.
Brennan and I have been bed-mates since the beginning of our Michigan vacation. Although I'm a bit sick of getting kicked in the face several times a night, I've thoroughly enjoyed staring at his sweet face as I drift off to sleep at night. As I'm sure most mothers do, I often stare in amazement at the perfection I was able to create (with maybe a teeny bit of help from God. Oh, and Brian).
I stare at that sweet peaceful face, complete with eyelashes for days and newly acquired scar over his eyebrow and wonder what God has in store for him.
I wonder what kind of boy he'll grow into - will he like sports or be more studious, class clown or class president, or maybe just blend in with the crowd.
I wonder what kind of man he'll grow into - will he be outgoing like his Daddy or more introspective like his Mama?
I wonder where life will take him - if he'll stray far from us or stay close to home, wherever that may be.
I wonder who he'll choose as a partner in this crazy moment in time we call life.
I wonder if he'll ever know the intensity of the love I have for him, and I'm certain he won't until he brings his own children into the world.
More than anything, I just hope for happiness for him. If I could give him the world I would, but ultimately what's important is guidance, wisdom, and my unending love. And I hope and pray that it's enough for not only my oldest baby, but for all three of them.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Favorite Posts Friday ... on Saturday! {7.14.12}.
Brittany Herself - Anastasia Steele was Clearly Not A Mother Of Three -- Um, there is no way to explain this other than that I looked like a freakshow sitting in the corner of Panera giggling to myself while reading it. Seriously. Read it now. Except if you're easily offended/grossed out. Then you might want to avoid it.
Blue-Eyed Bride - My Fuel -- My therapist recently had me think of a list of things that I need. Not in a physical sense, but in an emotional one. Often times, I'm too busy taking care of the physical and emotional needs of my family throughout the day, that I let my needs fall by the wayside. So after much thought, I came up with 5 things that would make me a better person and in turn make me a better wife and mom. I'm working on a post about it, but I thought it was interesting when reading this post that 4 of Erin's 5 "things" in her post today were the same as mine. I think they're relatively simple things that moms tend to neglect in order to put their families first. Good read. Definitely makes you think.
Expoits of a Military Mama - Irresponsible Advocacy -- Yes. It's no secret that I'm both a huge breastfeeding advocate AND a formula feeding mom. Yes, you can be both. I love the way Sally describes responsible advocacy in this post. It's well written and she makes an excellent point.
The Bloggess - The man deserves a damn medal -- So funny. The Beyonce post is one of my all time favorite blog posts, and this is a great follow up. I wish I could come up with funny stuff like this to do for Brian. Maybe someday when I'm not covered in baby vomit and snot at the end of the day I'll have the energy to do it. Maybe.
Baby Rabies - A letter to my 51 year old self -- Beautiful. Just beautiful. I think most of us with small children have had these thoughts run through our heads at some point or another, and it's just plain true. If you're a Mom of kids of any age, you'll enjoy this post. I promise.
** No one asked me to feature their blog. I'm just passing along my favorites with hopes that you might find something you like too. And if you find a blog you like, I hope that you'll do like I did and follow their blog, whether by RSS, Friend Connect, or email. And do the same for mine if you like!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Twin Weight Tuesday {7.10.12}.
Eating well is going to be TOUGH these next next few weeks. I come from a family of big eaters. Our family gatherings always include big, elaborate meals and my uncle is an incredible cook. Recording my calories is helping, but it certainly isn't going to be easy. I just have to keep focusing on the end results and reminding myself that being thinner will be far better in the long run than this one cookie!
Running is going pretty well. I've completed week 4 of couch to 5K training, but my ankle is REALLY hurting lately, so I'm trying to space out my running to every other day. I have a bit of a bad feeling about it, but I'm just going to take it slow and then make a trip to the doctor when I get home. If I have a stress fracture or something and have to take 6 weeks off, I'm going to be in trouble. But I'd rather have to take time off now than in October or something. Either way it'll be detrimental to my half marathon training, but it's more managable to rest sooner rather than later.
I enjoyed a nice 9 mile bike ride with my hubby over the weekend. He wanted to go out for a run and I needed to get some exercise without stressing my ankle, so I biked while he ran and it was magnificent. Great workout and nice quality time.
Friday, July 6, 2012
10 months old!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Spit happens.
"Brennan, I said what are you chewing on? What's in your mouth?"
"Nothing Mom."
"What do you mean, 'nothing'. I can see you chewing on something. Come here and spit it out."
I hold out my hand as he hesitantly wanders over to me. I hold out my hand and tell him once again to spit it out. A little line of drool drips from his mouth to my hand.
"Brennan. That's gross. Don't spit in my hand. Spit out whatever you were chewing on."
More drool. And then more drool.
"Seriously Brennan? Stop it. We only spit in the sink, not in our hands. Open your mouth."
He opens wide and I peer inside. Nothing.
"OK, what happened to whatever you were chewing on? Did you swallow it?"
"No, I not swallow it."
"Then what happened to it?"
"It's still in there!"
"Well then spit it in my hand!!"
More drool.
::clenches jaw and tries to stay calm::
"Brennan, why aren't you spitting it out?"
"Because I can't spit it out!"
"Well what is it? What are you chewing on?? Tell me so I can help you get it out!!"
"No Mommy, I don't want you to take my tongue out!"
::sigh:: "Brennan, we do not chew on our tongues."
Ah, motherhood. Isn't it grand?