Well, hellllloooo blogland. Long time, no see!
I'm attempting to get back into the swing of things after returning from our almost 3 week long vacation. Key word there is attempting. We're all going through/have been through various stages of a weird sickness that basically just knocks you on your ass, makes you act like something crawled up your ass, and makes your throat and head feel like ass. Basically, it involves a lot of ass.
And then there are the mental patients who call themselves my children. You know how I said in the boys 10 month post that life was starting to get a little easier? Ha! Somebody please teach me to just shut the F up when I start to get optimistic. I mean, I'm cool with thinking those thoughts, but the minute I start to voice them life spins in the opposite direction. It's like back in the old days at work when some jackoff would say that it was "quiet" and 10 minutes later everyone within a 50 mile radius who was carrying a fetus in their body would come bursting through the doors. Seriously. I should know better.
Anywho, these kids got waaaaaaay too used to having no fewer than 3 adults around them at all times - one for each of them to of course fulfill their every desire. And of course they're just moving more and wilder and holy terrors. Now that there's just one of me, shit has gotten crazy. So far today we've had 3 toys chucked at my face, 2 toys chucked at brothers' faces, one kid getting dragged across the floor by another, one riding another one, one kid kicked in the face by another, 2 all out wrestling matches, and about a million games of what I can only describe as death-match-free-for-all-chase-and-catch. This of course has resulted in a fat lip, a bloody lip, bleeding gums, a million bonked heads, and countless screams. It's bat-shit-crazy around here people.
Ass-like feelings and bat-shit-craziness aside, we had a fabulous time in the mitten. I'll eventually get a few recaps posted, mostly for my own family-memory-chronicling benefit, because I'm sure no one wants to hear me ramble on about my vacation. And? We SUCKED at taking pictures this time around. With both our real camera and our phones. So the recaps will probably be way too wordy and seriously lack the cuteness that is my children's faces. I'm just really making you want to come back and read them, aren't I?
I'm working on a Fave Posts Friday post for tomorrow, which might not get done til Saturday. I need to kick myself in the ass so that I can write a Twin Weight Tuesday post with an ounce of positivity. And I have about a million ideas of things to write about. Can't wait to get them down on paper ... or the computer screen. Whatever tickles your fancy.
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I write for me. 100%. BUT it definitely makes my day when someone tells me that they enjoy reading my blog. Or that they hate it. Whatev.
So don't spare me your words of wisdom, encouragement, or mindless babble. I enjoy it all :)