You guys.
I did a project yesterday. Like, finished a project from start to finish. Credit goes to my hubby who managed to build most of my birthday present (a kitchen table) while the crazies ran around him.
I wanted to document it so that I can remember what I did. DIY blogger I am not, but I thought it might be a good idea to snap a few pictures so that I might be able to do something similar with another storage cube we have in the Brothers' room when I find the right fabric they're finished destroying the current fabric.
I found this storage cube at Target. It was on clearance for $11, so I bought it because A.) it was cheap, B.) I love storage, and C.) I'm a Target clearance item addict. I got it home and decided that it would house my shoes near the front door. But I wasn't digging the brown microsuede-ish fabric.
Cue clearance-addict idea bells.
A few months ago I was wandering around Bed Bath & Beyond and stumbled upon a clearanced-out Ikat shower curtain. For $10. I'm really digging Ikats lately, so I asked the sales lady to get the display down for me and she marked it down another $1 for being the display. Woohoo! I used part of it as a "door" on a little door-less linen closet that's just outside our master bedroom, but only needed a small part of it, so I tucked it away for a later project.
After laying everything out on the kitchen table to make sure I had enough fabric, I got cutting. I still didn't need all of the fabric, so I have a little scrap left over for more fun later!
I was pretty excited about using my new staple gun. My old one was a super basic (read: cheap) one which actually traveled all the way from FL to Ecuador to DC with my sister-in-law. Long, funny story. But it was an excuse to get a new staple gun! This one was around $20 at the HD. It's a Powershot and I love it. Very, very easy to use. Of course, using 1/4" staples also helped, as I started off using 1/2" and couldn't get the staples to sink all the way in. Trial and error, friends. It's the way I live.
First came the lid. I have to tell you, I just made it up as I went along. And the inside doesn't look pretty. But the outside is really all I cared about, so I made sure to keep things tight as I went along, pulling and stapling my way around the lid.
The corners weren't as tricky as I thought they'd be. They also aren't as pretty as they could be. I wrapped them like I wrap presents ... but I'm a horrible present wrapper, so I probably should have Pinterested a better method. Oh well.
When it came time for the bottom part of the cube, I decided to just wrap it around instead of trying to keep the Ikat pattern going vertical. That would have been way more work & I kinda liked the little bit of funkiness added by the horizontal pattern.
I started by stapling part of the fabric on the outside of the cube. I chose to use the part with the holes for the shower curtain hooks since this part would be covered. One staple toward the top and one staple toward the bottom secured it enough to start. then I started wrapping. I started with the top (the open part), but I don't think it makes much difference if you start from the bottom.
The top corners were easy to handle. It just took a bit of trial and error to figure out what would look best from the outside, even if it didn't look all the great inside. My shoes and I are the only ones who will see the inside and we don't really care what it looks like. I switched over to 1/2" staples for a minute and gave each corner a staple to be extra secure.
The bottom corners were a bit trickier. I wanted to leave the little leg-nub-thingies exposed, even just a little bit, which made for some difficult wrapping. I snipped a little slit in the corner of the fabric, then wrapped each part around the leg-nub (what are those called?). Not pretty, but it stands without rocking!
I didn't plan my method ahead at all, so when it came to finishing it up, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the last part. I decided to just fold it over on the corner and staple inside the top and on the bottom really tight. It looks good and if it starts to come undone at some point I plan to grab some heat'n'bond for it.
I love how it looks in my entryway. Jazzes up the place a bit. And it holds my shoes well. Note to self: clean out the boys' shoe baskets.
And of course, it's a nice little seat for the boys too!
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