So who's up for a little Fave Post Friday?? It's been awhile, huh? So since it's been FOREVER since I've done an FPF, you get some of my faves from that past few months. Congrats. :D
Mama Laughlin - I am a Runner -- I love this. So inspiring. It makes me want to go for a run. A really good run. I need to remind myself to read it next time I'm dreading my run.
Exploits of a Military Mama - Lessons in how to raise a boy -- This is beautiful and I agree with every part of it. An experienced Mom of 3 boys once told me that her goal was to raise her boys to be excellent husbands one day. I think that's a great goal. Teaching love, respect, how to be a good man - all important in raising sons.
Brittany Herself - A hot bed of sexual insecurities -- Yes. Just, yes. I have no other words.
Momastery - A bicycle built for one -- "Find something just for you today. Something with just one seat." This. This is what I have such a hard time with. Especially lately. I do things for myself and then I get behind on life and it all piles up and I get overwhelmed and depressed and anxious and then I stop doing things for myself because it doesn't feel worth it ... and then I spiral. It has to stop. It just has to. Running has become a part of this, but there has to be more. I have to make time for more. It's not a luxury. It's for survival.
Baby Rabies - Days like this -- In this post, Jill describes exactly what I feel when I go through every once in awhile. But it's also a reminder that it's temporary. It's just a day. Or 2. And it will get better.
Momastery - Here comes the sun -- Momastery is one of my favorite blogs. Glennon is so honest, so real. Sometimes I feel like her brain is inside my head. But then again, I think a lot of people feel that way because that is the reason she has become so insanely popular. Now, I don't know what it feels like to be an alcoholic or drug addict, but I do know depression. And she says in this blog that Ashley Judd says that depression is anger turned inward. I have to say, that is a very thought provoking statement.
Livin' the Good Life - Women aren't the only complicated ones -- Samantha is a new bloggy friend. I mentioned her here . Then she IG'd a photo of my blog title saying that she was famous. This is why I like her. Her post is so funny, especially the part about men taking too long in the bathroom. I mean, honestly, I've never understood why Brian gets to poop behind 2 locked doors and I find myself swearing to sacrifice things if I could just get 2 minutes alone to pee. It must be good to be a man.
Sluiter Nation via Hormonal Imbalances - Accepting the unacceptable -- This is a beautiful post by Katie of Sluiter Nation. Bottom line? PPD does not get to win.
sKIDmarks - The Progressive Dinner -- This blog makes me laugh so.damn.hard. Girl cracks my shit up every post. Love it.
Okay, BA! (Formerly The Heir to Blair) via Babble - 7 Reasons to Keep the Baby Weight On Into the Toddler Years7 -- ::snort:: Amen sister! Oh, and my favorite part? When she linked to this in her personal blog she said this - "If any of you take this seriously, I will punch you in the cooter." ::double snort::
Famous again! Thanks lady! Love being your new friend! :)