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Friday, March 30, 2012

Favorite Posts Friday.

I did way more reading than writing this week.  There wasn't much time for writing while nursing my 4 sick men back to health, but there was plenty of time for reading.  And I found lots of great posts to read!  Luckily, {I hope} everyone is almost all better and we can resume normal life ... which means I can start writing again!

The Paro Post - On Romance -- Raising kids is hard.  Not only on parents as individuals, but especially on a marriage.  As parents, it's hard to put yourself, let alone your relationship, in front of your kids.  But ultimately, you have to look at it as doing it for your kids.  If your relationship suffers, your kids will ultimately suffer too, no matter how much you try to avoid it.  My piece of advice to Becca on her struggles was to make time for each other in small ways - pick one night a week to go to bed at the same time, make a point to make one night a week an "us" night by having a drink together while folding laundry.  I'm by no means an expert at taking my own advice on this, but we're trying.

Heir to Blair - It's like toddlers do lines of pixie sticks and rage -- Yes.  Just ... yes.

Mama Laughlin - MILF Monday: 9 miles -- This lady is so freakin' inspiring.  As soon as I can breathe through my nose again, I'm getting back on the treadmill.  I wanna feel like I did back in college - part of the "runner" club.

Heir to Blair - The First Week -- Even through all of the extreme exhaustion since then, I can still remember the first week of Brennan's life like it was yesterday.  Beth Anne's post was a nice reminder to live in the moment so that you can better remember the past.

The Southern Belle {and her boys} - Gee... thanks, baby. --  If you're a mom, you need to read this post.  You'll die laughing.  I promise.

Hormonal Imbalances - I see pride. I see power. --  Like I've said to Diana, I love her posts because they remind so much of all of the thoughts and feelings I went through this time last year.  Finding out you're pregnant with twins is not always hearts and flowers and puppies.  It's overwhelming and scary and intimidating too.  I wrote a little about learning that I can handle it all in my "Doing the best I can." post, but I feel another post coming with a little different spin on it too...

The Southern Belle {and her boys} - Not me. -- Postpartum depression and anxiety affects so many women around the world.  Too often, women fight the feelings they are having by telling themselves that the world will judge them and tell them they are weak (or that it's all in their heads ... ahem, Tom Cruise ...).  It's women like Jessica, who are brave enough to come out and talk to the world about their feelings, that are helping to get the word out that they feel this way and it's ok and they're getting help.  I struggle with this condition myself and am so proud of Jessica for not only getting the help she needs, but sharing her story with others.

** No one asked me to feature their blog.  I'm just passing along my favorites with hopes that you might find something you like too.  And if you find a blog you like, I hope that you'll do like I did and follow their blog, whether by RSS, Friend Connect, or email.  And do the same for mine if you like!

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I write for me. 100%. BUT it definitely makes my day when someone tells me that they enjoy reading my blog. Or that they hate it. Whatev.

So don't spare me your words of wisdom, encouragement, or mindless babble. I enjoy it all :)